Hello, and a very warm welcome to you!

If you are here, chances are very slim that you have arrived by accidental means. Instead, you are more than likely after a way to contact me or have a nosey at some of my credits. In both these instances you can find details on the appropriate page in the menu. I’ll look forward to hearing from you for a chinwag!

For the more inquisitive of you, my name is Mark Stokes and I work as a freelance broadcast online editor under the guise of The Bearded Editor. I currently reside in sunny Salford, Manchester UK, but I am more than happy to discuss the prospect of working further afield.

My main weapon of choice is Avid Symphony, with which I can provide a swift, yet eagle eyed finishing service, whilst also grading your programme to look ace.

Want me to work alongside a colourist instead of grading in Avid? No problem. Want me to make you an AS11 master and ensure your file delivery will pass AQC? Sure. Want me to come for a beer after we’ve finished? I’m there with bells on.

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